Intro Leaded Glass Class (Lead Came)

February 25, 2023 - 10:00 am~3:00 pm


Instructor: Rose Metcalf
Date: February 25, 2023 – February 25, 2023
Time:  10:00 am – 3:00 pm
Class Fee: $75.00
includes  patterns, supplies, and tools will be provided to use during class time.
Special Instructions: None

In this class you will build a small(6″x10″)leaded glass panel.
Learn to set your pattern up for lead came and a zinc border.
Then learn to cut your lead and assemble the panel, solder the joints, putty and clean up.

We will provide a bevel, gluechip glass, lead and zinc.
Glass working tools and grinders will be available for your use during class. (If you prefer color glass, you can bring your own glass or its available for purchase) What to Bring: 12″ to 18″ ruler, Safety glasses, note pad, pen,

Maximum 6 students |  Minimum 4 students
Place: Big M Art Glass & Studio
711 S 25th St AM Tacoma, WA 98405

Important note: Due to the limited online payment access at this time, please call us @ (253) 573-1152 for class registration

For the further class inquiry, Contact us at 253 573 1152 or email us.

Currently available spots: 1
The date of class is February 25, 2023

Bookings no longer allowed on this date.

*Class Registration Policies