Our new business hours in winter are Wednesday through Saturday, 10 AM to 3 PM.

If you can’t visit during our regular hours, please contact us to arrange extended hours.

2323 Tacoma Ave South, FL #B1 Tacoma, WA 98402 | 253 573 1152 
(The entrance to the basement warehouse shop is located behind the building, and it is accessible from the alley.) Some parking are available.

Bigm Art Glass Location Tacoma Stained Glass

Opening hours:
Wednesday: 10am to 3pm
Thursday: 10am to 3pm
Friday: 10am to 3pm
Saturday: 10am to 3pm

Appointments are also available on weekdays with prior arrangement.
Please contact us @ 253 573 1152 for new location information.
We appreciate your continued support. Thank you!

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